Armed security guard

Armed protection of commercial vessels,‎ offshore oil and gas industry, and private Yachts Security 

Our business is protecting commercial vessels against maritime piracy. A security Guard aboard a ship is a huge advantage because of no risk of losing money and time due to a hijacked ship. Your vessels won’t have to travel longer in order to avoid potentially dangerous areas, you can choose the fastest and shortest route and in that way rationalize and minimize costs.

Vessels with armed security onboard have never been hijacked!

Protecting your crew and company vessels is a necessity when traveling thru high-risk waters. We minimize the risks of using deathly force. We ensure protective measures on-board and support crew in risk areas.

We offer the following counter-piracy services:

– Armed and unarmed security guards

– Security awareness and personal safety

– Risk assessments and travel planning

– Crisis Management

– 24/7 monitoring and operations support

If you are responsible for business operations and the safety of your vessels and crew contact us and our CEO will contact you to talk about your business and security requirements.